24 November 2022, Gualter Barbas Baptista

K8s at Deutsche Bahn

The journey towards K8s at Deutsche Bahn

This lecture was given by Gualter Barbas Baptista from DB Systel at the Containerdays from 05 to 07 September 2022. (https://www.containerdays.io/)

In 2016, Deutsche Bahn decided to get rid of their own data centers and to migrate the majority of applications to the cloud. The cloudification of Deutsche Bahn was supported by a comprehensive transformation of its digital partner DB Systel from traditional working and organisational structures to self-organisation and company-wide networks, including a DevOps culture. Within this context, the first Kubernetes platform services emerge. From an OpenShift-based Kubernetes-Namespace-as-a-Service into a GitOps based K8s fleet management, we describe how the cloud, the organisational transformation and the CNCF landscape are accelerating the digitalisation of Deutsche Bahn.

