Alle Stories mit dem Tag '#java'

02 July 2024
Supercharge Your Angular PWA with Push Notifications
In modern web applications, push notifications have become an essential feature for engaging users. Service workers are crucial in enabling this functionality by running scripts in the background, independent of a web page. This guide will walk you through setting up a service worker with push notifications in Angular, including testing, verifying, debugging, and avoiding common pitfalls.

02 April 2024
My journey from TypeScript to Java - Part 1
For several years now, I’ve been programming in Typescript and enjoyed it significantly due to its simple and yet powerful type safety system in contrast to JavaScript.
However, a lot of people in DB Systel use Java as their preferred programming language. To understand what they like about Java, but also because it is easier to maintain the software in the team, I wanted to learn Java myself.
My learnings on my way from TypeScript to Java might be useful for others going the same way. While I’m going this way, I like to add more of these articles. For now, I start with some beginner problems, but I already have prepared some more!

25 January 2024
Vom Code zum Klick - Meine Reise durch die Evolution der Webentwicklung
In diesem persönlichen Rückblick tauchen wir ein in die faszinierende Welt der Webentwicklung – von den frühen Tagen des manuellen Codings bis hin zu den modernen Technologien, die heute den Standard setzen.

16 January 2024
Accessibility in Angular – Angulars features for a better and more inclusive web
The Angular Framework brings us some built-in features to help in creating accessible components and applications by wrapping common best practices and techniques. In this talk at the Angular Berlin Meetup, Danny presented these concepts and features.

20 November 2023
A11y: EAA, BFSG, WCAG, WAI, ARIA, WTF? – it's for the people stupid!

21 August 2023
How we migrated our Vue 2 enterprise project to Vue 3
It’s been a while: Since the 2nd February 2022, Vue 3 became the new default for Vue.js apps.

05 May 2023
Threading wie es sein soll: Projekt Loom ist da
Es ist endlich so weit - das lang ersehnte Projekt Loom hat seinen Weg in das JDK gefunden!